Wednesday, October 31, 2012



在晚宴里有我们马来西亚及新加坡的总经理,Mr. Shawn Larsen 来到现场分享公司的理念及方向、世界首位华人女性皇家黑钻领袖,Shelly Ke 也特地抽空从澳洲来到现场分享她为何从事 MonaVie,及如何赚取百万收入。此外,还有多位来自西马的领袖分享他们的心得及经历。



马来西亚及新加坡的总经理,Mr. Shawn Larsen 分享

世界首位华人女性皇家黑钻领袖,Shelly Ke 分享

来自西马的蓝钻领袖,Esther 分享

诗巫的紫钻领袖,Ms Ling 分享

来自各地的贵宾与老总和 Shelly 合照



来自西马的蓝钻领袖,Simon 分享

金牌讲师,Michael 分享

模特儿展示优惠送出的精美 MonaVie 手提袋

Shelly 颁发首奖 47" 3D LED 电视于幸运儿

Mr. Shawn Larsen 颁发巨奖 53" 3D LED 电视于幸运儿

Shelly, Ms Ling 与巨奖得主合影

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012

MonaVie Sibu Batang Ai Free Trip Day 1

All the qualifiers commence a Batang Ai 3 Days 2 Nights Trip by driving 3 hours to reach Hilton Batang Ai Longhouse Resort Jetty. Then ride a resort boat to reach the Resort which is close to the natural rainforest, back to the mountain and facing to Batang Ai Dam. We reach the resort around 6 pm, after a while of rest we enjoy our buffet dinner at the restaurant.

Qualifiers and family have a group photo at the Resort Jetty Reception

We are MonaVie, with a smile faces head to the Resort

What a wonderful buffet dinner at the Resort

Cheer up, you should be next to qualify in the next promotion

Ya, I have my 2nd round of delicious cuisine.

What a tasty steak, chicken, sausage........